Custom Personal Training
This web site is currently under construction with a completion date of
1 March 2025. Personal training services for individuals and households
seeking help to:

-- mitigate the decline associated with aging assuring lifelong independence
-- "mirror muscle" development / body building
-- improve expected outcomes from knee or other surgical procedures
11pre and post surgery
-- weight loss safely while maintaining and increasing muscle strength
-- golf specific and sports specific training to improve fun and results
-- fitness programs designed around your specific maladies and that can range
11from heart issues to rotator cuff tears and more. We work with physical
11therapists and your doctor and are NASM certified.
-- setting up a home gym
-- 2nd opinion as to whether your current "exercise program" is correct and
11effective or whether over time it is likely to cause problems

If that is of interest now and to set up an appointment email
[email protected]